Roast Chicken v1.00  31/10/19 © web design

Roast Chicken


Preparation: 15 mins

Cooking Time:  1Hr 20 mins

 1. Prepare Vegetables: Carrots, Onions, Parnsips, Potatoes

 2. Put Chicken in tray. Rub the butter, herbs and seasoning all over the chicken. Place Veg around chicken. Drizzle everything with oil.

3. Add stuffing to chicken tray also the potatoes. If not enough room use another tray. Cover with oil.

 6. Add any specific seasoning packets if required then roast for a further 10 minutes.

Goto Ingredients

4. Roast for 20 mins on 200°

200° (20 mins)

 5. Turn down to 180°  for 50 minutes

180° (50 mins)

180° (10 mins)