SpongeCake v1.03  31/03/19 ©   web design

Simple Sponge Cake


Preparation:  5 minutes

Cooking: 25 Minutes

Servings:  10

Cost per Serrving: 8p


 125g butter perfect for Cakes

 125g caster sugar

 2 medium eggs

 125g Self Raising Flour

 60g Cocoa Powder (for Choc Cake)

1. Preheat Oven to 180C Fan.

Line two 18cm/7in cake tins with baking parchment, butter sides

180C Fan

2. Cream the butter and the sugar together until pale.  Using an electric hand mixer if you have one.  Beat in the eggs.

3. Fold in the Self Raising Flour. The mixture should be a dropping consistency, if not add a little milk.

Add 60g Cocoa Powder if making Chocolate cake.

180C Fan

(25 minutes)

4. Put Mixture into 7” cake tins or 6 Silicone Square moulds. Put rest of mix in paper cake tin liners.

Bake in Oven for 25 minutes.

